
Frontend Service

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License: MIT Version

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Frontend Service is responsible to manage the frontend of the Web application.

Through the website the user can:

  • Authenticate to the system, by registering and login to it thanks to the auth-service;
  • Create and/or join a Youtube streaming session and interact with the corresponding video and chat, by using session-service;
  • Navigate to the profile page and get public user information, thanks to the profile-service;

Node.js Socket.IO


GitHub Actions Semantic Release Semantic Versioning Conventional Commits Renovate SonarCloud


In order to run it, specify the following environment variables:

Variable Description
SESSION_SERVICE_HOSTNAME The hostname of the session service
SESSION_SERVICE_PORT The port of the session service
PROFILE_SERVICE_HOSTNAME The hostname of the profile service
PROFILE_SERVICE_PORT The port of the profile service
AUTH_SERVICE_HOSTNAME The hostname of the auth service
AUTH_SERVICE_PORT The port of the auth service
AKKA_LICENSE_KEY The license key for Akka

The frontend service can be deployed through a Docker container:

  1. Create a env.list file specifying the environment variable values, as example:

  2. Run the docker container, by substituting LOCAL_PORT with your preferred port:

    docker run --env-file -p LOCAL_PORT:80 ./env.list ghcr.io/letsstreamit/frontend-service:main

    If the other services are running in localhost, add the option --network host to let the service contact them.

If you want to contribute to the project, please read the CONTRIBUTING.md file.

Frontend Service is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.